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Regionalni program kulturnog i prirodnog naslijeđa za Jugoistočnu Evropu







IRPP/SAAH participation at the “Salone dei Beni e delle Attività culturali”

Venice 1-3 December 2006, Venezia Terminal Passeggeri




Representatives on behalf of the Commission to Preserve National Monuments: Amra Hadžimuhamedović, Programme Coordinator; Mirela Mulalić Handan, Project Coordinator; Alisa Marjanović, Slobodanka Nikolić. Amira Dzaic, representative on behalf of the Ministry for Civil Affairs.


The activities:


Thursday 30 November


Morning – setting up of BiH stand as part of the Council of Europe and Southeast Europe countries stands at the Venezia Termina Passeggeri.



-          “X Salone dei beni e delle Attività Culturali” and “II Salone Restaura”

-          Visit of the IRPP/SAAH Stand in the presence of the Council of Europe and the representatives of the countries of South East Europe


Opening Speeches by:

-         The Council of Europe

-         The European Commission

-         Italian Ministry of Cultural Goods

-         Delegations of countries of South East Europe

-         Regione del Veneto


“Plaque” Ceremony - Presentation of certificates to country representatives


Friday 1 December



The IRPP/SAAH Project –moving towards concrete action: Presentation of 18 feasibility studies and European best practice



organised by the Veneto District of Cultural Goods



Objective: This Round Table, organised in close cooperation with the technical-scientific sector of the Veneto District of Cultural Goods, should be seen as an opportunity to bring together, in a concrete and reciprocal way, the European institutions, the representatives of the South East European Countries, and representatives of Venetian institutions and economic sectors.


Saturday 2 December


5th RPSEE Coordination Meeting

Participation:  RPSEE Programme Coordinators


9th IRPP/SAAH Meeting

Participation:  IRPP/SAAH Project Coordinators



Participation:  country representatives specialised in the cultural tourism sector

- Exchange on cultural tourism together with Italian and other European tour operators specialised in cultural tourism


The stands were removed on Sunday evening.






Querini Stampalia,  Santa Maria Formosa, Castello 5252 , Venice

2 December 2006 (9h30 – 12h30)


Aide Mémoire


The 5th RPSEE Programme Coordinators’ meeting took place in Venice on 2 December to sum up the progress made and to discuss the existing options for developing activities and projects as part of the RPSEE over the next years.  The list of participants appears in doc AT(2006)418.  The Programme Coordinators’ personal involvement and the rich exchange of views held confirmed the positive impact of the Regional Programme.  The signature of the 4th Covenant with the European Commission is extending the co-operation framework until the end of 2008, offering as such new perspectives and opportunities to develop common objectives.  Future possible or extended partnerships under discussion will take into account the results reached and the impact of the RPSEE activities, leading toward consolidated and converging projects. 


In this promising context, the following issues will guide the preparation by the Secretariat of a draft action plan for 2007:


1. Completion of the objectives in 2006 has reached a turning point for forthcoming co-operation as part of the Regional Programme.  Efforts and resources have been invested by the countries and the Secretariat in the consolidation of political, institutional and professional conditions preparing for further developments.


2. So far, the essential part of this investment was made through and for the IRPP/SAAH, which benefits from high visibility given mainly by the support provided by the European Commission.  Thanks to the achievements of the methodological cycle initially defined in 2003, the countries have at their disposal the means to use and manage the experience acquired by their national experts, in so far as the mechanisms set up within the IRPP/SAAH are correctly and definitively incorporated into the Ministerial structures as permanent management tools.


3. The guiding strategic principle for 2007 relies on an inversion of efforts in order, on the one hand, to ensure as completely as possible the “institutionalisation” of the IRPP/SAAH (see § on “Plaque Project”) and, on the other hand, to target budget consolidating measures (including partnerships) for rehabilitation and implementation of integrated policies which could contribute to local and regional development projects.


4. The perspectives in 2007 require a reinforced role for the Programme Coordinators who should stimulate, guide and manage the process which involves three directions:


-Transformation of the ongoing process towards European programmes: A new European programme (2007-2013) including territorial co-operation is being prepared.  It is based on a bottom-up regional development process and represents an opportunity for South-East European countries in the accession process perspective.  In covering heritage as well as regional and urban development, the RPSEE’s various components represent a good doorway to the new programme.  Existing “cultural clustering” should feed the discussion and development of the Regional Programme’s future activities which would constitute a major shift in the management of co-operation and would require considerable mobilisation in the countries in order to play the major leading role as beneficiary and applicant.  The Regional Programme process may have reached a historical point, making this choice possible;


-Budget consolidation and partnerships:  Several funding possibilities have been identified, such as through Culture 2007 (for which the application deadline is end February 2007) or the Central European Initiative.  Countries eligible are encouraged to apply in order to cover their future financial contributions to the various activities.  The Secretariat could provide assistance if required.  In the meantime Programme Coordinators are invited to formulate ideas and views and send them in writing to the Secretariat by mid January.  These suggestions will be taken into account when assessing the feasibility of a “Funding Conference” which it is proposed to organise in 2007 with the support of the Veneto Region;


-Political promotion and relations with other Ministries: Countries could only expect to qualify for the different possible funding sources if the cultural heritage issues are recognised as national priorities and if adequate co-ordination exists with other essential Ministries, starting with the Ministry of Finance, but also Environment, Planning, Tourism, etc. as identified through the different ongoing projects.  Promotion and communication should be organised taking advantage of the considerable results already obtained as part of the Regional Programme.  The Ministers of Culture should first have all the necessary arguments in order to play a central role in this crucial networking activity, and to provide a specific guidance toward development policies which would take into account the risks and costs as well as benefits of tourism for cultural heritage.


5. The IRPP/SAAH will continue according to new additional phases which include four specific activities:


a.International expert guidance will continue by drawing up a series of additional Feasibility Studies, the updating of the country Prioritised Intervention Lists and publication of new Preliminary Technical Assessments.  IRPP/SAAH Project Coordinators will be invited to reinforce the professional means to carry out these actions which will be supported by the CoE in 2007 with the objective that concrete measures will be taken to integrate such costs in the future budgets of the countries;


b.Specific co-operation will be implemented through the “Rehabilitation Plan” which will lead the final stages of rehabilitation projects (project management, professional and technical aspects of the rehabilitation, and management of rehabilitated sites);



c.The “Plaque Project” will be set up officially with the adoption of the Terms of Reference (to be proposed by the Secretariat to the Ministers of Culture).  It is defined as an incentive for institutionalising the IRPP/SAAH tools and to set up a “self generating process” and permanent mechanisms in the countries.  The first “Plaques” awarded in Venice will be provided to the countries at the beginning of 2007 and their installation should be the opportunity to organise special promotion events.  The system will be completely up and running when the second round of “Plaques” will be validated by the “Plaque Experts” and awarded as part of the European Heritage Days in 2007;


d.The “Cultural Corridors Pilot Project” should contribute to the synergies to be created within the Regional Programme in 2007.    Following a first exchange on the subject held in Belgrade, the Secretariat will provide a working document.  Programme Co-ordinators should react to this document with a view to defining the concept before its presentation at the International Seminar entitled “Cultural Corridors in South East Europe – a Capacity Building Challenge” which will take place in Sofia on 9 February 2007.  The detailed action plan should be presented to and adopted by the countries of South East Europe during the next plenary meeting of the Council of Ministers  of Culture of South East Europe (March 2007).


6. The Local Development Pilot project (Component C) should be regarded as the second main tool for developing a consolidated force as part of the Regional Programme.  Countries should progress in the steps foreseen up to the launching of these projects which should bring together the different activities of the Regional Programme.


7. In order to facilitate the setting up of these activities, Programme Coordinators are invited to prepare a comprehensive Activity Report 2006 which should report on the various components making up the Regional Programme.  The objective is to list the direct and indirect results reached through the activities and moreover, to evaluate the different impacts in the countries (political, financial, professional, etc.).  The contribution from the countries should reach the Secretariat by 12 January 2007 at the latest in order to be integrated and published by the end of the month.  It is recalled that this report is a requisite not only by the European Commission (for Component B) but also for the Council of Europe’s annual report.  Moreover, a detailed account of the situation of all the 160 sites on the Prioritised Intervention Lists need to be provided (this was also raised in the IRPP/SAAH project coordinators’ meeting that same day).


8. A plenary meeting of the Programme Co-ordinators will be called in March or April 2007.  Although these meetings are usually held in one of the participating countries, the Secretariat will consider opportunities to meet in possible partner countries.


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