
Sessions of the Commission

Press Releases

Visits to Municipalities


Campaign for Protection of Heritage at Risk

Projects and Conferences

European Heritage Award 2010 Celebrating Excellence awarded to The Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Regional Cultural and Natural Heritage Programme for South Eastern Europe

Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan/Assessment of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage (IRPP/SAAH)

U.S. International Visitor Leadership Program

U.S.A., from 18 May to 5 June 2009.



At the invitation of the U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mirzah Fočo, Assistant of Executive Officer in the Commission to Preserve National Monuments, took part in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) carried out from 18 May to 5 June 2009.

The International Visitor Leadership Program (IVL Program) is coordinated and managed by the Office of International Visitors at the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State. Several private, non-profitable organisations, subsidised by the Department of State, and voluntary organisations from the entire United States of America (providing advice for international visitors) also participate in the programme. 4,400 visitors from around the world take part in the programme each year. The goal of the programme is to establish better mutual understanding through personal and professional communication. In the course of the programme Mirzah Fočo gave a presentation about the activities of the Commission and made a number of contacts.


Programme goals:

1. To present to individuals and institutions involved in the programme the methodology of research, conservation, and particularly presentation and education applied in the USA;

2. To demonstrate the importance of identification, documentation, protection and interpretation of history and culture, and

3. To establish dialogue between U.S. professionals and the professionals participating in the programme, as well as mutual cooperation, thus improving international cooperation.



1. Afghanistan: Mr. AMANULLAH, Garden Manager, Baghe Babur Trust, Kabul, Afghanistan

2. Afghanistan: Mr. Zardasht SHAMS, Director of Planning and External Affairs, Ministry of Information and Culture, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

3. Bahrain: Mr. Yusuf Abdulla Mohamed Jasim BUMATAIA, Museum Guide

4. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mirzah Fočo, Assistant of Executive Officer in the Commission to Preserve National Monuments

5. Finland: Mr. Lari Vainamo AALTONEN, Educational Planner, Study Centre Citizen's Forum

6. France: Mr. Lodovico FOLIN CALABI, Associate Expert, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Special Projects Unit, Paris, France

7. Georgia: Ms. Nato TALAKVADZE, International Program Coordinator, Georgian National Museum (GNM)

8. Ghana: Mr. Edward QUAO, Curator, Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park

9. Iraq: Ms. Faeza Abdul-Kadir Hussain HUSSAIN, Chief Engineer, Iraq National Museum

10. Kazakhstan: Mrs. Emma USMANOVA, Senior Fellow, Archaeological Department, Karaganda State University

11. Kenya: Mr. Philip Jimbi KATANA, Chief Curator, National Museums of Kenya, Fort Jesus Museum

12. Kosovo: Ms. Gjejlane HOXHA, Architect, Institute for Protection of Monuments in Kosovo

13. Lebanon: Ms. Tania Zaven REZK, Archaeologist, World Heritage Site Manager, Directorate General of Antiquities

14. Mauritius: Ms. Marie Diana BABLEE, Chairperson of the National Heritage Fund

15. Mexico: Ms. Daniela RABAGO GONZALEZ LUNA, Owner of Wasabi Management (Public Relations and Cultural Program Agency)

16. Qatar: Mr. Hassan Ali H ALANSARI, Head, Educational and Cultural Affairs, Qatar Museums Authority

17. Russia: Ms. Tatyana Ivanovna KRASHENINNIKOVA, Chief, Section of Restoration of Historical Monuments, Museums of the Kremlin, Moscow

18. Suriname: Mr. Stephen August FOKKE, Director, Urban Heritage Foundation




Washington, DC 16-21 May 2009

Topics: Introduction to the US legal and constitutional order – federal system of government, overview of the American culture, Federal Government and heritage protection, participation of the non-governmental sector in heritage protection

Meetings were held at the U.S. Department of State Cultural Heritage Center, the National Park Service, the Smithsonian Institution's American History Museum, the Cultural Resource Center and National Museum of the American Indian, the Library of Congress’ American Folk Life Center, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the U.S. Committee on the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the American Association of Museums.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 21-24 May

Topics: Roots of democracy, the role of university in heritage protection

The meetings held in Philadelphia presented the American view of democracy. Programme Managers from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology presented their work, including their activities at recent archaeological sites.


Santa Fe, New Mexico, 24-28 May

Topics: The culture of the American Indians, folk art, cultural heritage and economic environment, state support in heritage protection projects

The goal of the meetings was to present the way in which the private and public sectors participate in funding different heritage protection projects. The representatives of the Museum of International Folk Art presented the programme they run in primary schools. The relationship between the cultural-historical heritage, tourism and economic development was also presented. A tour of a pueblo, the Bandelier National Monument, was organised.

This was followed by dividing the group into three subgroups that travelled to three different destinations for the purpose of learning about different aspects and the inclusion of different ethnic groups into American society.


Minneapolis, Minnesota 28 May-2 June

Topics: Inclusion of community into protection affairs, environment protection issues, festivals, art workshops

The goal of the Minneapolis programme was to present the way in which immigrant groups, and particularly the members of the Hmong culture, operate and to demonstrate the influence of that culture on the society.

The demographic picture of the state and region was presented to the group at the Immigration History Research Center, which included meetings at the Hmong Cultural Centre, the Minnesota Historical Society and the Minnesota Historical Center. In the context of this part of the programme we learned about the activities undertaken at Fort Snelling, a restored military structure dating from 1800, which involves an interesting story about the time when it was built. During the tour of this structure we had a conversation with the members of the Navaho tribe. At the Center for World Heritage Studies (CWHS) of the Minnesota University the participants discussed the problems of protection, and primarily the education of young professionals and others. In the meeting held with the Minnesota Arts Board, a state agency that stimulates and encourages various cultural programmes, the participants were informed of new initiatives.



New York City, New York: 2-6 June

Topics: The heritage of the American immigrants, museum activities on protection and presentation, protection of monuments of global importance, final evaluation

The goal of this part of the programme was to inform the participants about the tradition of the American immigrants and demonstrate the importance of the cultures of different ethnic groups as an integral part of the American culture. Visits were organised to the Chinatown and the Jewish District, where the participants learned about the history of immigration of the Chinese and Jewish population. The participants were also informed about the activities of the Metropolitan Museum in New York City. The activities of international cooperation in the field of heritage protection were discussed at the Columbia University, Heritage Protection Program, and at the World Monument Fund.


The final project evaluation was organised on June 5, when all the participants expressed their reflections and impressions about the programme they went through.

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