National Monuments


VIRTUAL EXHIBITION - Cultural Memory – A Vanishing Treasure

Nekropola sa stećcima i nišanima Borjanice-Marevska kosa u Malom Marevu, historijsko područje

Total: 23

Plan of the necropolis
Necropolis with stećak tombstones and nišan gravestones at Borjanice-Marevska kosa in Malo Marevo, the historic site
Necropolis with stećak tombstones
The location of the site Borjanice with nišan tombstones
The location of the site Borjanice with nišan tombstones
Stećak tombstones coverd with ferns
Group of stećak tombstones
Group of stećak tombstones
Necropolis with nišan tombstones
Group of chest shaped stećak tombstones
Nišan tombstone no. 1
Nišan tombstone no. 2
Nišan tombstone no. 3
Nišan tombstone no. 3
Nišan tombstone no. 5
Nišan tombstone no. 7
Stećak tombstone no. 9
Stećak tombstone no. 9
Nišan tombstone no. 10
Stećak tombstone no. 19
Stećak tombstones nos. 27 and 28
Stećak tombstones nos. 72, 73, 74 and 75
Stone santrač no. 20
BiH jezici 
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