National Monuments


VIRTUAL EXHIBITION - Cultural Memory – A Vanishing Treasure

Blatačko jezero sa dijelom kanjona rijeke Rakitnice, prahistorijskim grobnim gomilama, nekropolama sa stećcima i nišanima, naselje Blace, kulturni pejzaž

Total: 30

Plan of the necropolis at Kosan-krst
Necropolis at Kosan-krst
Necropolis at Kosan-krst - Stećak tombstone no. 2
Plan of the necropolis at Kod Čekića
Necropolis at Kod Čekića
Necropolis at Kod Čekića - Stećak tombstone no. 5
Plan of the necropolis at Viš stijena
Necropolis at Viš stijena
Necropolis at Viš stijena
Necropolis at Viš stijena
Plan of the tumulus and isolated stećak tombstone at Komadinov do
Komadinov do
Groups of two tombstones at tumulus
Stećak tombstones at tumulus
Plan of the necropolis at Babaluša
Necropolis at Babaluša
Blace necropolis - Nišan tombstone no. 1
Blace necropolis - Nišan tombstone no. 1
Plan of the necropolis with nišan tombstones
Necropolis with nišan tombstones
Plan of the necropolis in the Orthodox cemetery
Necropolis in the Orthodox cemetery
Stećak tombstones in the Orthodox cemetery
Stećak tombstones in the Orthodox cemetery
Group of stećak tombstones in the Orthodox cemetery
Necropolis in the Orthodox cemetery - Crosses
Necropolis in the Orthodox cemetery - Stećak tombstone no. 4
Necropolis in the Orthodox cemetery - Stećak tombstone no. 5
Blatačko lake
View at Blatačko lake
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