National Monuments


VIRTUAL EXHIBITION - Cultural Memory – A Vanishing Treasure

Sinan-begova džamija (Džamija Sinan-bega Boljanića), mjesto i ostaci graditeljske cjeline

Total: 15

Sinan-beg mosque in Čajniče
Sinan-beg mosque, photo from eighties of XX century
Sinan-beg mosque with turbeths
The site of Sinan-beg mosque in 2004
The remains of courtyard wall
Sinan-beg mosque before repairing in 1954
Sinan-beg mosque, photo before 1954
Turbe of relatives of Sinan-beg
Inscription - Tarih
Interior of the mosque, mahfil
Mihrab and mimber
The plan of the mosque and turbe of Sinan-beg
The cross section of the mosque and plan of the turbe of relatives of Sinan-beg
Facades of the mosque of Sinan-beg
BiH jezici 
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